
un mas ano.. (one more year..)

well, i figured i'd write one of these nifty blog dealy's for the heck of it. This way i can look back at this at the end of my senior year and have one of two emotions: 1) sadness, or 2) "Man i'm an idiot.. what was i thinking!?". Besides, it seems cool..

Anyway, i figure that senior year has just started for me... i got my senior pictures (i hope they can get rid of zits), tryouts for one last season of CC start tonight (it'll be an awesome season however, you need to come out to see a meet!), and i have homework to do (yeah, I still haven't finished my AP Calc or AP Stats... meh). Oh yeah, and there was that PDP retreat.. but it doesn't count, cuz i want it to start today. If i have it starting last week, then that would just be confusing and wouldn't work out that nicely. Especially since this is a journal of my senior year and i'm starting it today. So there. And if you followed that whole line of thinking, here's a cookie.

Time to rewind now.

Those senior pictures suck. Most of you know that i can't fake a smile or bluff (unless its 2 in the morning.. then i can take you for all you are worth with just 2-7 offsuit, N.K. knows that well...). There are a bunch of pictures where they made me show my teeth... man i hate braces. They made me look really ugly (alright, you have 10 seconds to make all the jokes you can think of...) ANYWAY!! yeah, i hate forcing a smile, it never looks right. My pictures in my track uniform look pretty good though. It looks a whole lot less fake. I'll make sure to get some out, some people actually want a pic of me.. i don't know why... (btw, self-mocking is in this year) hmm.. this a long entry.. maybe i'll put more stuff in later, like the PDP retreat (i think it stands for People Doing Poker) and CC practice when i get back.

Signing off,

P.S. I just did a spell check on this... its pretty stupid. "Blog" is incorrectly spelled supposibly... w/e.

is that what you call a getaway?


Blogger admin said...

Hey...I just happened to stop by your blog..randomly, and I see that your Spanish translation of "one more year" is "un mas ano"...It's a good translation, but really, it's said "un ano mas"...I know it probably doesn't matter, but you know...Just letting you know.

August 16, 2004 at 11:09 PM  

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