
ante up!

Poker has become a new hobby for me, especially Texas Hold'em. (you may actually find me using poker terms in here.. i'll make sure to clarify what the deuce [another name for a "2", also a line from Family Guy] i'm talking about). Anyway, at the PDP retreat, we played a ton of poker. We were up til 2 one morning, and then 5 the next (well, if you lasted and weren't knocked out first). I got no sleep, but it was pretty awesome. I was getting the best hands possible, it was amazing. No four-of-a-kinds though.. but i really didn't need them.

I just realized i sound cocky, but you have to understand something about Texas Hold'em. You can not control the hands you get, therefore, you have no say in the structure of your hand. Getting a decent hand is all luck. TH is all about how you deal with that luck. Even people with bad luck can win some decent money. Its all about the bluff and knowing when to hold them and when to fold them... but flopping (the laying down of the first three community cards (shared cards, there are eventually 5 of them in a hand)) a full house always helps!

Oh yeah, there is a Texas Hold'em poker game at target (get the tournament one, not the world series one. the latter is really lame) in the actual aisle near the older games. Its 20 bucks, but its really good for a pure poker experience. Its like playing online, the computer is that good. (but they don't go all in on every turn like the idiots online with free money). Or i can just burn you a copy.. but you'll have to win it from me, lol.

Signing Off,

we'll all float on


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