
speed racer...

well.. life is full of weird coinkadinks... as some of you know, i was caught speeding on St. John's RD. (60 in a 40, but only charged 49.. it was freakin' awesome!) Anyway, I went and did community service for the Parks and Rec. I met the supervisor, talked a little bit, and then did some landscaping all day.

Fast Forward to yesterday, when we were out car shopping :D We had one more place to go to; the first couple either had no cars or they were crap (Stay away from Hyundai Accents, trust me! They slide like 10 feet after you slam on the brake.. its a quick way to meet people actually, well, their bumper...). So my mom is tired, but i want to go look at some more cars. Last place we go to, we were approached by a salesperson (i think he was trying to go home... but i'm sure any salesperson loves a possible sale..) GUESS who the guy was... he was my supervisor for my community service. Now tell me that isn't weird...

If I had never sped (or at least get caught), picked parks & rec over the simple task of washing police cars and gone home 4 hrs early (they are pretty easy going from what i've heard)... I wouldn't have had the connection i needed. And in this county.. connections are everything! of course.. its STILL not an excuse for speeding (had to put in that public notice).

now we just need to get the car.. but maybe we'll get a nice discount, especially since he speed too... lol

Signing off,

late night, brakes lock, hear the tires sqeal


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