
well... it is the name of the blog..

so yeah. i just figured out that "hey, the blog name has to do w/ video games.. but i never talk them." so here we go.


cant' think. school just started, so my brain isn't educated... its dead. And we didn't even do anything.

yeah, my scheldule royally sucks. the classes are great.. its the walking part thats horrible. My schledule is: 2nd floor, 1st floor, 2nd floor, 1st floor, 2nd floor, 1st floor, 2nd floor, 1st floor. :( I know i'm a runner and all, so it should be no big deal (more excercise, more muscle, more ladies :) ) but there are way too many freaking people!! Moving kids to LHS has really backfired. All the kids that would have gone to GMHS or CHS two years ago, now are coming here. That was fine when we had 1400 kids... but now when we had the most kids in the county, it doesn't work. One-way hallways suck, the down stairwell was good enough. The school just needs to wait a day for all the freshies to finally figure out how to get to class without using the main stairwell... it took me 2 (of the whole 4 minutes between classes... another thing that blows, but it doesn't blow my skirt up... cookie to those who got that..) to get INTO the F section. (Random Thought: maybe THATS why they call it the "F-section"... wait, never mind, that happens in the senior courtyard... lol)

i think this school year will be okay, but not great. idk, we'll see what happens by the end of the week.

Speaking of which, anyone want to go to the "Back to School" Dance with me? i'm just a lonely single white guy... just kidding. i'll go, but i'm not sure i want to go with just one person just yet. But i'll save a dance for you!

Signing off,

we'll make the same mistakes


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