
i'm bored...

guess how bored i am... i did the saltine challenge... 6 saltines in 1 minute. barely got it with 3 seconds to go. go me... :-
Signing Off,


will someone release me from this prison i'm in?


random post #1

Is it redundant to say "I bowled a couple good games of bowling"?



Zombies, Vampires, and little girls, oh my!

Last night, i watched "The Ring". That was an awesome movie, more freaky than scary, but i like those better than "jump out of your skin" movies like Jason or Nightmare on Elm's Street; i rather watch Sixth Sense or Signs, for example. I actually thought it would be stupid, and some people may think that, but you have to think about the story.

Now for the interesting part of my blog.

You know how when they would watch the movie, a phone would ring? Well, thanks to an idea i got from jason beaudwin (it happened to his sister, conincidentally however) i snuck a cell phone downstairs with me. I kept it there while we were watching it.. and when the static came on at the very end, i speeddialed our house...

ring. ring.

it was pretty great.. of course, my brother and dad just laughed.. now if it had been my mom.. she would have definately jumped up and screamed. I need to show her that movie...

oh yeah, she got scared at "The Others"... she doesn't like horror movies too much.


Is it wrong to not be scared at a nightmare?

or kind of actually it enjoy it, like it was a scary movie? Because I actually had a nightmare last night. I know other people would have been scared, but it was actually pretty cool, in a supenseful way. There were zombies coming out of the floor and pulling people back down; Vampires hiding in the ceiling who would swoop down and take people up with them (i guess to eat them or something)... it was weird, and they tried to get me, but they couldn't. (don't like the idea of dieing in a dream. Send me a comment if thats ever happened to you) it was on an island, and we were getting away in a car on a bridge that was collapsing with zombies coming out of the ground as we got away in true movie fashion.

maybe i'll use some of that for a scary movie if i ever become a movie maker...

(is it sick to be able to think of all that though... i would have never imagined some of the stuff that was happening..)


Oh yeah, one last thing. There is this game called "The Suffering" (haha.. The Suffering"). It is just as freaky as The Ring, with weird things popping up, like a doctor that isn't having success with lethal injection.. so he just cuts the guy's throat... but it wasn't real, its only when you look through a security camera, and when you look where it "happened" nothing is there.

Its for PS2, so go rent it (its not long) and play it at night.. it'll be like you're in a horror movie.

(added bonus for those with surround sound, you can hear your conscious sometimes in the back speakers, like hearing the good angels and evil demons in your head, it makes it even more freakier)

So yeah. If you haven't been freaked out by my post.. go see The Ring and rent that game... then you will...

Signing off,


he only existed when you closed your eyes...